SDF 2 Projects

Laasdhure Water Supply
This project, implemented by the Hargeisa Water Agency, will increase water production from the Laasdhure aquifer and connect it to the existing system at the New Geed Deeble Pumping Station. This will deliver an additional 4 million litres of clean drinking water each day to the people of Hargeisa.
- Improve the Hargeisa Water Agency’s capacity to manage water infrastructure
- Improve and support community-level governance structures through training and mentoring
- Design and develop 4 boreholes in the Laasdhure wellfield
- Construct a 13.5km pipeline to connect the boreholes in Laasdhure wellfield to the New Geed Deeble Pumping Station
- Conduct a technical study to guide the sustainable expansion of Hargeisa's urban water supply

Sustainable Land Management
In Durdur Ad Catchment, the project supports 20,000 agro-pastoralists improve their food security through adaptation to climate-change, and increases their incomes through the rehabilitation and conservation of 10,000ha of land. Implemented by the Ministry of Agricultural Development.
- Improve the Ministry of Agricultural Development’s capacity to manage and support soil and water conservation and agriculture production activities
- Improve and support community-level governance structures through training and mentoring
- Scale up sustainable land management through the installation of soil and water conservation structures
- Improve the agricultural production of small farmers through soil and water conservation, extension, farmer training and the supply of farm inputs

Rehabilitation of Burao-Berbera Road
This project, implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Road Development, will improve the connection between the largest livestock hinterland in the east of Somaliland and the seaport city of Berbera.
- Improve the the Ministry of Transport and Road Development’s capacity to manage road infrastructure
- Improve and support community-level governance structures through training and mentoring
- Assess, design, and rehabilitate 64 km of road and four bridges between Berbera and Burao
- Conduct a feasibility study and design for the Maydh-Erigavo road

Reconstruction of Maydh Jetty
This project, implemented by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, is expected to create 200 direct jobs and will assist more than 3,000 fishermen by improving the inter-connectivity between Berbera and the hinterland of Sanaag, Sool and parts of Togdheer regions.
- Construct a 165m jetty in Maydh, Sanaag Region
- Establish a management system for the facility

Strengthening Animal Production & Health Services
This project, implemented by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, aims to improve the livelihoods of livestock producers and fodder farmers in Togdheer and Sanaag regions through training, operational research, support for disease surveillance, and increased fodder production through irrigation.
- Improve the Ministry of Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development’s capacity to manage fodder production and animal health in the livestock value chain
- Improve and support community-level governance structures through training and mentoring
- Upgrade Aroori livestock holding ground into a livestock centre to train and extend animal health provision services in Togdheer region
- Provide support in Xaaxi to put an additional 400 hectares of land under fodder production
- Operationalise the existing animal disease surveillance unit, establish a static veterinary clinic in Aroori and a mobile one to reach other parts of Togdheer and Sanaag regions

Borama Urban Water System Improvement
This project, implemented by the Ministry of Water Resource Development, aims to serve 90,000 residents of Borama town, Awdal Region, through the delivery of 3 million litres of water per day, improving the availability of and access to clean and affordable drinking water.
- Construct 19 km of pipeline connecting Borama with the water source
- Install two 500,000 litre water tanks at Al-Hayat hill
- Install electromechanical equipment
- Construct various supporting buildings (administration block, lodge, generator rooms etc.)

Strengthening Artisanal Fisheries
The project, implemented by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, is expected to lead to improvements in the productive and environmental management sectors, resulting in enhanced incomes, improved food security, cultivated natural resources and better watershed management and resilience.
- Improve the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries’ capacity to manage activities in the fisheries value chain
- Improve and support community-level governance structures through training and mentoring
- Improve and fully operationalise cold chain facilities installed during SDF1
- Establish a fish inspection, quality control and certification system

Construction of Geed Deeble Wellfield Collector
The construction of the Wellfield Collector (WFC) is expected to bring additional water to about 250,000 inhabitants of Hargeisa city, including the urban poor. The project is implemented by the Hargeisa Water Agency.
- Supply and installation of pipelines connecting existing wells to the New Geed Deeble Pumping Station including pressure testing
- Construction of borehole connections (feeders) to the main collector line for existing wells alongside WFC-1
- Connections of WFC-1 to old pumping station and Permanent Connection to the New Geed Deeble pumping station

Provision of Recurrent Costs to Erigavo and Las Anod Schools
This is a transition project which aims to make Dayaha and Lasanood Secondary boarding Schools fully functional and offer quality secondary education to the Sool and Sanaag populations. Implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science.
- Continuation of funding the recurrent costs of Dayaha Boarding School (Erigavo)
- Continuation of funding the recurrent costs of Lasanood Boarding School in Las Anod
- Provision of a vehicle to support the day-to-day activities of the school
- Develop a full sustainability plan for the schools’ operations post-SDF funding

Provision of Recurrent Costs to Erigavo and Las Anod Hospitals
This project aims to improve the functioning of Las Anod and Erigavo regional hospitals so they can better provide needed health services. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Health Development.
- Continuation of funding the recurrent costs of the Erigavo General Hospital
- Continuation of funding the recurrent costs for Las Anod General Hospital
- Provision of vehicles to support the day-to-day activities of the schools
- Develop a full sustainability plan for the hospitals’ operations post-SDF funding

Supply of Equipment and Drugs
This is part of the Sool and Sanag Health Project which aims to contribute to reduced poverty levels in the Sool and Sanaag regions through the delivery of quality secondary health care services, resulting in lower morbidity and mortality, and higher productivity. Implemented by the Ministry of Health Development.
- Continuation of funding the recurrent costs of the Erigavo General Hospital
- Continuation of funding the recurrent costs for Las Anod General Hospital
- Provision of vehicles to support the day-to-day activities of the schools.
- Develop a full sustainability plan for the hospitals’ operations post-SDF funding